
I created Cybersec.Reviews after noticing that review posts on my previous blog/portfolio website started to become popular and individuals were contacting me stating that these reviews were useful for their buying decisions. Due to this, I created this site to help students decide on educational resources for cybersecurity. There is a massive amount of educational resources for this field. Some subjects include, Bug Bounty, Malware Analysis, Penetration Testing, Blue Teaming, Red Teaming, Coding, SIEMs, Forensics, and much more. Along with so many subjects being available, there are also many courses and certifications offered. With this huge amount of resources available, I made Cybersec.Reviews with the mission to offer non biased reviews of these resources to help students make informed decisions on their education.


Review Disclaimer

My goal is to provide honest and consistent reviews that can help others decide if an educational resource is right for them. Due to this, reviews are not influenced by discounts given, affiliate marketing, or if product is given for free. However, it is admitted that these benefits influence if a resource will be reviewed and that I only engage in partnerships with companies who provide quality products. If you decide a resource is right for you, it is very appreciated to use any noted affiliate links as this will help Cybersec.Reviews produce more content to further help students make informed decisions on their education.

CSR Scoring Guide

A CSR score is on a 0-20 point scale with the following categories:

Quality (0-5 Points)
This considers how well the content is produced. Examples of this are good sound quality, being free of spelling errors, and being free of technical issues. This category considers the overall presentation of the material.

Education (0-5 Points)
This category scores how well the subject is delivered to the student. Example considerations include if the content is engaging or detailed and leaves the student well informed of the subject that is taught.

Value For Price (0-5 Points)
This considers how much value of the provided materials the student receives per the expense paid. For example if the resource is a book, is the content written in a way were it will become quickly outdated or will it be a useful resource for years. If it is a certification it is considered how much value does it provide a student in the job market. Note- If the educational resource is free, this is an automatic score of 5 and will solely be judged off of value for time.

Value For Time (0-5 Points)
This category considers the educational value that is received for the student’s time investment. Example considerations include if the material is short and impactful or lengthy and dry.
Note- if the educational resource is free but can be used for job seekers, this will also include how valuable the resource is in the job market (such as a free certification).


A totaled score is given to help students decide if the reviewed resource fits their education needs.

0-9 “Not worth your time or money”
10-15 “Could be useful for some students, but consider if it is worth your time and/or money”
16-19 “A highly recommended resource that is worth the time and/or monetary investment”
20 “A perfect resource of very high quality that is recommended to anyone who is looking to learn it’s subject”

About Me

My name is Hayden and I am a self proclaimed learning addict. I find all aspects of cybersecurity fascinating. From web application hacking to malware analysis, there is so much to learn and explore. Due to this, I realized how many resources are offered and how overwhelming it can feel. I decided to provide reviews to help others make educated decisions on how to spend their time and/or money. I currently work as a SOC analyst and enjoy it very much. In my spare time, I enjoy snowboarding, motorsports, and dogs.

Contact Me

Do you have feedback, a review request, or are interested in partnering?

Please email Hayden @ (No Spaces)

You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram using the links below.