Tags: Motivation

I've wanted to go to Defcon since I first heard about it many years ago. I was always intimidated from a lack of confidence in pursuing knowledge in the information technology world to go. I removed this confidence barrier in my mind and have been learning about the IT world for a year and a half. Now I finally felt ready to go participate in my first Defcon. Preparation. Preparing for Defcon involved a tremendous amount of googling since I have no family or friends who have been before (or are into tech like this). More

Wikipedia defines Imposter Syndrome as "a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud." I haven't heard of this until stepping foot into the information technology industry. It is prevalent everywhere, just open any IT related Twitter or discord chat and I'm sure you will find a handful of people talking about how he/she is experiencing imposter syndrome. More